by Louella Cherry Spencer, Anne Johnson, and event stars
FELLOW CLASSMATES: We hope you will not want to miss our BIG reunion. A 50th-year class reunion will only happen once in our lifetime. Don’t you want to make that connection with friends from our youth? That’s what it’s all about -- friendship. Each of us had and still has a friend or many friends that may be there looking for us.
Each of us is a star in some way. This is the reason why the titles of the reunion events are about stars. Is it possible you will miss it and later think you should have attended? Be sure to read all the information below. There will be much going on this May 15, 16 and 17!
Friday, May 15, 2009
3:00: ***Stellar Connections! Enjoy Hospitality and Memorabilia Display. Hosts: Linda Rhoden McKinney & Sandra Belk King, Chattanooga Choo Choo Holiday Inn, 1400 Market St., 37402, Hotel 1, Norfolk Room, # 150
Phone of the Choo Choo Holiday Inn: 1-800-Track 29Website:
www.choochoo.comThe hospitality room will also be open Saturday (9:00-11:00 AM and 3:00-5:00 PM)
6:00 p.m. Star Date! BBQ Dinner
Heritage Landing Clubhouse, 1100 Heritage Landing Drive, 37405
With Hostesses Carolyn Thomas Presswood, Carolyn Tuley Darr, and Gaynell Hixson Smith
Heritage Landing is an elegant gated townhouse complex in N. Chattanooga on the river just below GPS. Our party will be in their social clubhouse and we will be the only ones there! Food will be catered by Darr's barbeque. The menu is barbeque pork and chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, ice tea and a selection of desserts. Susie Turner Crouch is arranging for beer. Come casual and mingle with other Stars of our class. Brian Moore will provide a selection of 50's and 60's music. Name tags by Lew Waddey and Ann Tyer Waddey.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
8:30:***STAR TREK: Self Tour our CHS & Coffee. Hosts: Linda Rogers Chambers and John Hayes, 865 E. 3rd Street. 37403
9:45:+++Group Picture will be taken on the steps
10:00*** REMEMBERING OUR FALLEN STARS: Classmate Memorial Service at Chattanooga School for Arts and Sciences, (our CHS), 865 E. 3rd Street, 37403, led by David Parker & Alvin Fox
David and Alvin will say something about each one of our deceased classmates to the extent that they have information. Hopefully, anyone reading this that has information about the lives of our fallen stars after leaving CHS and how and why they died will send it to David Parker, ( or Alvin Fox ( The Service will be conducted in a most dignified manner.
Optional extra costs for the following – Events require 10 people
11:30-1:30: ***STARS ROLLING ON THE RIVER! “Southern Belle” River Cruise with Lunch. Host: Kent Shalibo, COST: $17.50, 201 Riverfront Pkwy. (37402)
www.chattanoogariverboat.comNothing could be finer than a class of ‘59ers sailing down the Tennessee River on a May afternoon! (Maybe you’ll see your favorite parking spot or swimming hole at the dam.) You will be able to mingle on the deck or down below as you partake of a deli sandwich buffet with coffee, tea, and miniature moon pies. The Southern Belle is called the pride of the South and one of the best Chattanooga attractions.
3:00-5:00 for all events - Meet in Choo Choo Dome Lobby
***STAR FISHES & FRIENDS: Tour the aquarium, with host: Jon Locke; Cost: $20.00
There are two aquariums, River Journey and Ocean Journey. Your ticket is good for both aquariums. To learn more about the aquarium you can go to There is a free electric shuttle from 9 am to 11pm on Saturdays. The shuttle runs every 5 minutes and can be used to go to and from the aquarium.or*** TWINKLE, TWINKLE! WINE, WOMEN & WOW! (Style show & girl talk for women of the class and female spouses) Starring: Dian Warren Hodge; Hosts: Vicki Daniel White & Gloria Sutton COST: $5.00, Studio 2, Gallery 2 Art Center, 25 Main Street, (37408)
Wine, soft drinks and water will be furnished! Our program will consist of how to be "Fit & Sexy" After 60! Here are some areas that will be covered:
· Commitment to a Healthy Weight and Lifestyle....It's a Journey, not a Destination!
· Make-over on a guest with the winning number, including, make-up, hair and wardrobe!
· Look 10 yrs. younger in 10 minutes!
· Skin care and make-up on the go!
· The Eyes have it!
· Hair today, gone tomorrow?
· What is your Style IQ?
· Fashion Ideas! Showing by "Ciao Bella" boutique
· Be beautiful inside and out at any age!
Once the $5.00 registration fee is paid, there is no more money required. The event stars Dian and features a style show with models from our class. A boutique across from the Choo Choo, called Ciao Bella is providing the clothes. There will be many free gifts from Mary Kay and Dian. Gloria Hudson Sutton will be the local arrangements hostess. The event will take place at Vicki Daniel White’s gallery/studio, a short walk from the Choo Choo.
or*** MY STARS, CHATTANOOGA HAS A MICRO BREWERY! (Tour and sampling of craft beers) Moccasin Bend Brewery, 4015 TN Ave, St. Elmo, (37409) host: Anne Johnson, COST: $6.00
www.bendbrewingbeer.comChemistry becomes an art form with craft beers! These unique specialty ales and lagers have a fuller body and more complex flavors and aromas than typically found in popular American beers. Newcomers to craft beers will be amazed by the subtle and fresh taste of the samples such as Pumpkinseed Pale Ale, Centennial Celebration, and Juniper Pale Ale. After tasting the 4oz samples of an array of beers, you may choose to drink your favorites - up to three 16oz beers. This is a private tasting event, just for our reunion.
7:00 ***STAR-STUDDED EVENING: Banquet at Chattanooga Golf and Country Club. Program featuring stars from our class who made it as professional entertainers, and dancing to golden oldies Starring: Brian Moore, D.J., Nathan Pearlman & Susie Turner Crouch, Masters of Ceremonies
The Saturday dinner buffet includes: Prime Rib, AU Jus, Baked Chicken,Green Beans, Honey Glazed Baby Carrots, Mashed Potatoes, Chef's Assorted Salads and condiments, Assorted Desserts, Coffee, Tea, Sanka.
Our own Marti Brown will entertain us.
To watch Brian Moore on You Tube, just Google the following:’s the chance to purchase a picture/memory book so that you can recall our 50th reunion long after the event is over. Tucker Photography will be present to receive payments for the picture/memory books at a registration table during the banquet at the Chattanooga Golf and Country Club on Saturday night, May 16, 2009.
The memory book will contain the group picture taken at the school at 9:45 am on Saturday morning (following the tour of the school but before the memorial service), color portraits and names of those who have their pictures made, and candid shots of the entire weekend.
Individual portraits will be made the evening of the banquet. Tucker Photography will send proofs for you to select the one you want to be included in the book. At that time, you may order individual pictures. Anne Johnson has seen the work done by Tucker Photography, and she says they are very professional and take beautiful shots.
The picture memory book will cost $28.00 The separate 8x10 group picture will cost $15.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
11:30 a.m. Star-Dust Brunch at the Lookout Mountain Fairyland Club 1201 Fleetwood Dr.., Lookout Mountain 30750, 706-Lookout Mountain 30750, (706) 820-1551
With Hostess, Anne Johnson
The Sunday brunch is designed to be a memorable meal to climax a memorable reunion—the Stardust of a brilliant star-filled event. The CHS party will have our own private room, with large windows that render us a view of the Tennessee valley and parts of Georgia. Brunch at the Fairyland Club is an elegant buffet including breakfast-- omelets, sausages, other breakfast meats, waffles and more. Lunch entrees include roast beef, seafood, fish, chicken, and the most gorgeous-tasty vegetable and salad display you’ll find. There will be at least 6 of each to choose from. When Anne eats there with her friend, David, she says he eats both meals at the one sitting! Then, when you think you can’t eat another mouth full, you look over to the dessert buffet where you will see chocolate cake and at least 4 other offerings. The Club has its own pastry and bread chef and Anne says you could make a meal of the breads alone. She also says the coffee and tea are the best. The cost of the buffet is $ 21. The Fairyland Club is a private club and, as such, does not take credit cards. (Special drinks extra)
As Kent Shalibo reminded us: