Tuesday, June 7, 2011

CHS '59ers - On names and a pledge

Mac Funderburk's mention of names ignited an unusual memory:

When I enrolled at UNC, Chapel Hill, (Carolina) we freshmen were asked to sign a pledge that not only would we ourselves not plagarize, but that we would be considered just a guilty as the plagerizer if we didn't tell on him. We were required to sign that. The idea infuriated me, and I refused to do it and told my adviser, Dr. Frautshi, that I came to Carolina to get an education, not to learn to be a snitch.

I left the man and went back to my dorm to pack my bags. I was leaving.

Frautschi got me back in his office,and said, "Look, the typists and file people in the next room don't care whose name is on the pledge, all they want is a name at the bottom.

"It's not gonna be MY name," I hotly replied.

"I've already signed your pledge for you," smiled Dr. Frautshi, and it'll be on record and you can go ahead and enroll with a clear conscience. He held up the pledge for me to see. It was a name I could live with on such a traitorous pledge.

So somewhere in the vaults of the University of North Carolina, if the pledge paper still exists, is a piece of paper reading,

"I won't plagerize and I agree to tell on anyone who does," signed "Judas Iscariot, witness, Dr. Albert C. Frautschi"

Just an odd memory that I hadn't thought of in a long time. I have to wonder if my ding-dong degree, which was never mailed to me since I was in the Corps at the time, also reads that way. I think it would be sort of cool if it does.

Lee Reynolds

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