Friday, June 5, 2009

From Delmar (Lee Reynolds) List of reunion attendees?

Hi Susie,
    Like  Pat Young, I, too, would be interested in knowing who came to the reunion. If possible, when you e-mail the list to Pat, could you please e-mail  me a copy also? I have a fairly detailed photo of the group on the front steps of CHS, but I know of several people who came to the reunion who did not get to CHS in time to be in the photo. And there were some folks at the Friday night affair who didn't get to the Sunday brunch, etc.  People have asked me how many we had and I really don't know.
    I must tell you how grateful all of us are to you and the rest of the group who put this sensationally successful reunion together. We were aware of how much work you all were putting into it, but only when we saw the results did it dawn on a lot of us that had you all not done all that you did, that it would never have been such a remarkably enjoyable event.
And event is really what we had - it wasn't just a reunion, it was an event. Nobody will ever forget it, and it is to you and the rest of the folks who did all the endless preparatory work that we owe our thanks. I expect everyone feels this way - I certainly know that I do- so please accept grateful thanks from  me and Christine and if you wish to pass this along to the rest of the event-makers, formerly known as the reunion committee, please do so.
     Best to ya, Lady,
     Delmar (Lee Reynolds)

Lee Reynolds

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