Monday, December 19, 2011

Listing for posterity?

Hi Nancy,

We will recognize Don Perry and Pat Owens McGoy attended the 2011 Christmas lunch for posterity. I am glad they both came. The fellowship of the class means a lot to all of us.

Thanks for your message, Merry Christmas and happy ever afters,

Anne Johnson

Nancy says,

"I am still 'on high' after seeing everyone. It was such a good time and so many came. It is always so much fun when we can all get together.

The pictures are so good. Thanks for taking so many. You did a great job of listing those who were there. I really do not see how you did it because we were all 'jumping' around so much trying to visit with everyone.

There were two people I believe you missed in the listing--Don Perry and Pat Owens McGoy. This was a first time for both of them. You did identify Don in one picture and caught Pat in the picture with Dru and me. Thought you might like to list them somewhere in the record for posterity.

I really do not see how you managed to identify so many who were there with our moving around so much and not a lot of room in the facility for us to move around. Susie made a good choice of location, and the food was really good. It had been almost a year since I had been to the Boathouse, so I particularly enjoyed it.

Look forward to seeing you and all the gang in the New Year."

Nancy Poole Klein

Don Perry, Mickey Cobble

Gloria Hudson, Nancy Klein, Pat Owens McGoy

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