Friday, March 21, 2008

Gerry Bricks checks in

Hello Gerry (Bricks)!

I so delighted to be in touch with you. Our class has the most fun parties and I would be happy extend and invitation to you. We have several folks in the same category as you, persons who attended, but actually did not graduate from CHS. We will be happy to claim you! I hope by checking our blog and website you will not only take a walk "down memory lane" but will make new friends of acquaintances from the Chattanooga schools you attended.

With this message I am asking our webmaster Dru Smith Fuller to add you as a reader or you can use our universal ID: with a password of dynamo59. The blog is just like a party, what else would you expect? Our webpage requires no ID or password.Click: and you'll see pictures of us from the 50's. These pictures were taken by Miss Pryor, our class sponsor.

Please tell us about yourself, your area of expertise,( got a doctorate in?) and what kind of business are you engaged?

I'm so glad you made contact and please do keep in touch.

Anne Johnson


Anne (Johnson),

I've been receiving info on CHS 59 over time from Mickey Cobble. He has suggested that I establish contact with you directly, but to this point in time I've been slow in following up on his direction.


I was a member of CHS 59, but did not graduate with it. I was in Chattanooga area schools, grades 1-11: grade 1 in Rossville, then Missionary Ridge, Anna B. Lacey, Brainerd JHS, and CHS.

But in the late winter/early spring of '58 my father was transferred from Chattanooga to Detroit. The family stayed in CHA thru the end of that school year, but in the summer of '58 we moved to a suburb of DTW, where I graduated in '59.

I did return to CHA for the class graduation ceremony in '59.

However, with the exception of driving thru CHA on my way to graduate school in late summer of '63, that was my last time in CHA until the late '90s.

Sometime in the late '90s Mickey and I reestablished contact, and I got back to CHA to visit with him. He even talked me into attending the '99 reunion.

Now we actually do spend significant time in TN (I am driving there tomorrow), because I've got a retirement place in Townsend. And one of our sons is in the military, stationed at Ft. Campbell, and he and his family live in Clarksville.


B. Gerard Bricks, Ph.D.
BSM, Inc.
Kennett Square, PA 19348
610-388-2411 (o)
610-517-4323 (c)

1 comment:

Carolyn Presswood said...

THat was great info and update! I hope you can come to our reunion, May 2009.

Carolyn Thomas Presswood

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