Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mary Shacklett now Jesse Jordan Checks In

These pictures were taken exactly 50 years apart (The younger was during Mary's junior year at CHS and Jesse now)

The past 50 years has been quite a ride! I married (for the second time) in
1964 and we moved right away to Pago Pago, a small island in the South
Pacific. My son, Joe, was born there. After five of the most interesting years of my life, we moved to Hawaii, where my husband and I had a court reporting agency. When the time came to divorce ten years later, Joe and I moved to Portland, Oregon, where I have been ever since - 30 years now.

I love it here on my little farm-in-the-city, with 2 dogs, 2 cats, chickens
and a fruit orchard. My son tours with Foo Fighters (I know ... I think you
have to be under 40 to know who they are) but I see him here and there when
he comes home in between tours. I just retired six months ago after 25
years with a juvenile public defender law firm, representing children in
foster care. I'm just now getting my feet on the ground and wondering
what's going to fall in my lap next.

Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make the reunion but wish the
best for everyone, and a whopping good time!

Cheers to all.
Jesse Jordan (formerly Mary Shacklett)

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